Expertly-led Insurance Sales Training Programs
Master The Art of Selling Insurance
Get the coaching, guidance, training, tips, techniques, tactics, support & sales system to sell insurance.
Leverage the tools to PREDICTABLY and PROFITABLY prospect, generate leads, make sales, & develop steady referrals to build your insurance business.
EVERYTHING you need to become a true master of insurance selling and TRANSFORM your life.

You don't have to experience challenges alone.
We have been in the business long enough that we have experienced almost every single struggle, failure, disappointment, frustration, anxiety, and issues new and seasoned agents have gone through.
We were just like YOU.
We've been independent agents, agency owners, and business owners and gone through challenges, setbacks, and learning curves, so you don't have to.
Does one of these sound like YOU?
You're New to Insurance
You're looking at getting into the insurance industry, but as you started searching about how to prepare and get started, you were OVERWHELMED with information.
After countless of hours of researching, you are still unsure where to start, what information was correct, or what direction is right for you.
You're A Seasoned Agent
You have already gone through some training and made sales. However, you want to get even HIGHER closing ratios and more advanced selling techniques.
Unfortunately, the upline you are appointed with no longer provides you the support you need, answers the phone, or returns your phone calls.
You need someone to be there when you need help.
The glaring problem in the insurance industry and training.
Typically, to get access to the training, support, guidance, and mentorship YOU need from your upline or some training programs, you have to do one or some of the following:
Sign up for more contracts
Many uplines lock training behind being appointed for a certain number of contracts or a specific contract type to get access.
This can clutter your offerings with insurance companies that aren't what you need.
Be a producing agent
Uplines want to spend most of their time with agents who "produce" revenue.
That means if you aren't currently producing, you might get skipped over for another agent producing better numbers.
Take a commission cut
Training and mentoring can often be referred to as "hand-holding." An upline will have to spend more time with you lowering their overall revenue and, to do so, may ask to split commissions or reduce your commission to make up for the profit lost.
Their way to sell or hit the highway bud
Unfortunately, some uplines only see their way to sell and no other ways as options.
Adaptability is a skill that insurance agents need to overcome challenges and changes in market conditions. If the upline is that way, you can bet the training is that way.
Only mandatory training sessions are available
Being independent is to have the freedom and flexibility to work when and how you want.
If training sessions are mandatory, part of that freedom and flexibility goes away, and you miss out.
Training only for the many
Have you ever been to a training session with many people and never got your questions answered? It's annoying and wastes your time.
The time that you could use to generate revenue. Instead, one-on-one sessions allow you the attention you deserve.
Attend face to face training events
Some training programs only offer face-to-face training events that you have to spend your cold hard cash on to go to.
Most training can be taught online, over the phone, or through video. Stop wasting money and time on travel.
Nickle-and-diming for everything
Many training programs give you just enough to get you to sign up, then charge you for every little thing.
If you want a script in PDF form for download, that's $7. A sales kit that wasn't included in your program. Another $37.
Before you know it, you've spent hundreds of dollars.
The remedy to your frustration and disappointment.
Really In-Depth Training
The training content is really good, and really in-depth as well. I like the business overview that is incorporated in the training also! I encourage others that this is the training for them if they are looking for great training!
Impressive Training That Also Looks Good!
I have been going through the Insurance Sales 101 training for a few weeks now, the training is very impressive and extremely thorough. I enjoy the videos too!
No contracts required
We do not require any contracts for access to the training programs. All we ask is for subscription payment to support the site and the creation of new products, digital assets, and services.
No production required
You do not need to be a producing agent for us to provide you with the assistance you need.
No commission cut required
We will not take a cut from your commissions; again, all we ask is for a one-time payment for access to the training programs, courses, content, resources, & digital tools.
Adaptability is the focus
Being able to adapt is key to surviving drastic market condition changes. Your ability to adapt will affect you at some point in this career. There will be several ways to sell insurance in this training to sell the way you prefer.
No mandatory training sessions
All of our training & content are on-demand, available 24/7. You can access it anytime, anywhere in the world, on any device.
Your questions are answered in one-on-one sessions
Your questions will be answered via the phone, live chat, email, or booking online appointments.
No face to face training events
All of our training programs are accessed online and available 24/7. You don't need to waste your money traveling to get the training you need.
No Nickle-and-diming
All payments are one-time. You will get instant access to all the training program's relevant digital tools, downloads, planners, spreadsheets, templates, worksheets, and action guides. However, you can pay for course content individually or sign up for an all-access-pass bundle.
Packed with
Features you'll love
Digital Tools & Actionable Resources
Each training program comes with its downloads, planners, spreadsheets, templates, worksheets, and action guides to speed up learning and help you quickly implement concepts.
Simple sign-up process
The process is straightforward. Sign-up for the specific training program you want or the training bundle if you want it all. Check your email for confirmation and login credentials. Log on and start learning.
Incentives & bonuses
The all-access-pass gives you access to all current & future training programs released, resources, and digital tools. If you want it all, this is for you.
Check out
What our customers are saying
I Built My Own Agency Off This Training, And Send My Agents Here Too!
I joined IS101 a while back, and I'm grateful I did. Since then, I have used the training to build my own agency and I have found that many of my newer agents or even veterans, need this training! Therefore, I have been sending more and more of my agents to Insurance Sales 101 to learn the business the right way, just like I did. By having this training website for agents to visit 24/7, it enhances their consideration of contracting with me. In addition, it gives them the confidence to meet the challenge of a new career or insurance product. I have found the IS101 training program to be beneficial for them to learn the basics of selling insurance at their own pace, giving them a good foundation to be successful!
Now, I'm Making $3,100 A Month After This Training!
I was just getting into Medicare Supplement Insurance and didn't really know what to do or how the Medicare Program and policies worked. I signed up to the Insurance Sales 101 site and it was a HUGE HELP!
However, what really impressed me and got me going was the help of the support staff! The support staff took the time and weeks of setting up one-on-one consultation appointments to help me find the best insurance companies for my area and understand more about Medicare Supplement plans. The support staff even helped me write my first client case!
All of their help and encouragement really boosted my confidence! The support is OUTSTANDING!
Anytime I had a question, someone was always there with an answer. They even called to check in on me months after training to see how my Med Supp business was progressing! Now, that's awesome support!
Before joining the IS101 program, I was making about $2,500/mo in insurance sales. After joining, I increased my revenue to $3,100 a month and growing!
I would definitely recommend this training to any agent in a heartbeat. For agents like myself who have been selling insurance for a few years, but have never worked in the Medicare arena, this is the type of training that is needed!
Worth It To Me...
Insurance Sales 101 helped me understand commissions, how to set my business up properly, and how the flow of this industry works. I would absolutely recommend this site for new agents getting started because unfortunately there is a lot of misguided information out there. Everybody wants to brainwash a new agent into thinking their way is the only way and the best way. Self-paced learning while you're only a phone call away. My knowledge grew extensively which was worth it to me.
30 Days
Money Back Guarantee
If, for any reason, you don't like the training programs, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days after your purchase. If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team, and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.
About InsuranceSales101
InsuranceSales101 is on a mission to help TEACH and IMPROVE how insurance agents and agencies PREDICTABLY and PROFITABLY prospect, generate leads, make sales, & develop steady referrals to drive your business forward.
We want to help over 10,000 agents and agencies write more business this year than they ever have.
InsuranceSales101 was launched to be user-friendly, easy to navigate, self-paced, on-demand, provide an environment for success, and accessible anytime and anywhere.
We want to achieve this by helping provide you with the following:
- The coaching and guidance from those that have been where you are now.
- Support when you have questions and need help closing a sale.
- Training that can be accessed at all times.
- A sales system with digital tools to get you up to speed and adapt to the market.
- Exclusive discounts to cut costs on starting and operating an insurance business.
Transform Your Life & Career now
Packed With Great Info!
This site is packed with great info. Your typical IMO does not have the time or won't put in the effort or money to do this. I would not hesitate to recommend your site to anyone that is staying on top of their trade. Thank you for your effort!
Valuable Tools To Enter The Market!
From my past experiences, your program is perfect for me. I have always been independent, this program has given me valuable tools to emerge into this market equipped.
I Would Have Paid MORE!
The Insurance Sales 101 Training program is really well organized and extremely helpful! IS101 should be asking for a lot more money than they do! Thank you for the help getting into this business!
The short answer is yes. You can make great money and have a healthy lifestyle by selling insurance products. You will also be helping people by securing their peace of mind and financial readiness for the future.
If you are new to insurance, these programs are designed to help you understand the basics, develop a sales process, market, sell yourself, and write business. Yes, these programs were designed with YOU in mind.
If you are a seasoned insurance agent, the training programs can still help you learn another insurance product, enhance your selling process, and give you new ideas, tips, and strategies. Yes, these programs were designed with YOU in mind as well.
Yes, we raise the price regularly to reflect the increased value our customers receive. The prices you see will be the lowest they will ever be—Lock in your rate today.