10 Signs It’s Time for a Career Shift

Written by Matthew King, time it takes to read this article is  minute(s).

This happens to everyone now and again. You’re sitting at your workplace, staring off into space, wondering if you really want to stick with your current job.

Maybe you feel a little too excited to get home, or you dread getting up in the morning. Does this sound familiar?

It’s normal to feel down about your career every now and again. Even people in their dream jobs get burnt out, but how do you know when this feeling means that it’s time for a career shift?

If you’re already thinking, “should I change jobs?” it might be time to take a look at your situation. We’re here to help you make your decision. Keep reading to learn when to change jobs and when you’re just in need of a break.

1. You’re Always Burnt Out

Burnout is normal. The average person spends 40 hours or more per week at work, leaving very little time for leisure, family time, or sleep. With that in mind, it shouldn’t alarm you when you’re feeling fatigued or overworked from time to time.

That said, a brief break should fix the problem. You take a vacation or a few self-care days, and you’re ready to “get back into the saddle,” so to speak.

When this feeling is consistent, though, it might be time to consider a job change.

Burnout shows up in several ways. Mental and emotional burnout can leave you feeling numb and overtired. You no longer have the ability to focus on tasks, and you’re more irritable and tired than normal.

You may also experience physical burnout. Your body feels achy. You’re too tired to do anything that you enjoy when you get home. Your job doesn’t have to be strenuous for this to happen.

2. You Don’t Feel Stimulated or Challenged

Do you like a job that makes you think?

As we get older, it’s important that we continue to stimulate our minds. While we may not know it consciously, we all enjoy a bit of a challenge to keep ourselves sharp.

The more you stimulate your mind in your younger years, the better you will age. It’s also more fun to keep challenging yourself than it is to go through the motions.

We don’t all have fun and exciting jobs, but that doesn’t mean that your job has to be mundane. If you want more out of your career, it might mean that you’ve found a reason for a job change. 

3. Your Job Doesn’t Match Your Personality

Have you found yourself constantly playing a role at work?

It’s normal to have a “work face” and a “leisure face.” We don’t talk to coworkers and customers in the same way that we’d talk to our friends and family. Are you familiar with the tell-tale “retail voice?”

That said, if you feel like your personality seriously clashes with your workplace, you might get tired of your job. You don’t want to have to mute yourself all of the time or put yourself so far out of your comfort zone that it’s unpleasant.

For example, if you’re someone who likes to help people, but your job involves no customer interaction or overall benefit to the world, you might feel as though you’re denying your personality.

On a similar note, if you’re not the type of person who feels comfortable interacting with others, you may feel uncomfortable if your job forces you to put on an outgoing facade.

These things can burn you out faster. 

4. Going to Work Makes You Anxious

Very few people are excited to go to work every day, but the idea of going to work shouldn’t give you anxiety. While you want to be challenged, you don’t want to feel so out of your element that you’re afraid.

How do you feel before you go to work? Is it hard to get out of bed? Does the drive there make your mind race? Are you afraid every time someone comes to interact with you while you’re in the office? 

Your work shouldn’t harm your mental health. You deserve to be comfortable when you’re spending so long on your career.

5. You Can’t Quiet Your Brain

Speaking of anxiety, how do you feel after you get out of the workplace? Do you find yourself overwhelmed, or is it difficult to take your brain out of “work mode?”

If you’ve noticed that you have a hard time leaving work behind you, you might be experiencing a serious reason for a job change.

Furthermore, what about when you finally fall asleep? Are you prone to having nightmares or stress dreams about work? If work is seeping into your bedtime, consider making a change.

6. You’re Developing Bad Habits

Have you found yourself engaging in bad habits either in the workplace or outside of it?

If you’ve found yourself engaging in workplace gossip or suddenly smoking while on the job (to get away for a moment during a smoke break), you’re not doing yourself any favors. These are unhealthy habits.

This occurs outside of the workplace as well. If you’re too overwhelmed and burnt out by your career, you might discover that you’re not taking care of your body.

Many people self-medicate with drugs or alcohol when they feel too stressed out. It’s too normalized to “have a drink to unwind” after a bad workday. Once in a while, there’s nothing wrong with this. When it’s constant, though, you should take note.

If you don’t have time to cook healthy meals or exercise, you risk several serious health conditions.

Don’t let work lead you to bad habits.

7. You’re Staying for the Money When the Money Isn’t Good Enough

You might be thinking that it’s fine not to be thrilled by your job because money is the main reason we go to work. While that’s true, it doesn’t mean that you can’t find a more fulfilling career that pays better. 

Sometimes we get trapped by the fear of not earning enough, but consider whether the money is worth it. Are you making enough money to make up for the stress you feel during work?

You might even be underselling yourself out of fear. There’s nothing wrong with looking into making a career shift if you think you might make more money elsewhere. Don’t assume that you’re doing the best that you can money-wise.

8. Your Future Feels Bleak

The idea of moving up in your career should be at least somewhat exciting. Making it to a management role (or better) should be a point of pride. After all, you’re making more money and getting more important responsibilities. What’s not to love?

If you hate your job, though, this isn’t a thrilling prospect. You might already be overburdened with responsibilities, so the idea of getting more is overwhelming.

Also, higher roles result in more commitment to the company. If you’re already feeling noncommitted, you don’t want to make things worse.

You always dread positive performance reviews and praise because it means that your company might want you to take on a more important role. Is that how you want to feel?

If you’re scared of getting a management role, why not change management jobs? 

9. You Don’t Want to Talk About It

Do you take pride in what you do, or are you hesitant to mention it when someone asks about your career?

You should be able to talk about your job with relative confidence, not embarrassment. Not everyone gets their dream job, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be enthusiastic about it.

This also applies to talking about work when your day is over. At the dinner table or when you’re out with friends, do you avoid talking about work unless it’s to vent? 

This might be a sign that you’re ready for a career shift.

10. You’re Reading This Article

You didn’t search Google for job change suggestions for no reason. You may find that these things don’t apply to you, but if you’ve made it this far, it’s likely that you already know the answer.

Taking the leap to change jobs is scary, but you might find that it’s the best way forward. You don’t want to live out the rest of your working life doing something that you hate.

It’s Time to Make a Career Shift

You already know that you want to change jobs. You deserve to work somewhere that makes you feel comfortable, fulfilled, and intellectually stimulated.

If all of this sounds familiar, why not seek out a career shift to something new?

Have you considered a career in final expense insurance? You can get trained without any need for traditional schooling through our online classes. Don’t hesitate. The sooner that you start your training, the sooner you can start your new career. 

We can’t wait to hear from you.

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